Tuesday 11 October 2016

3 Beliefs You Must Drop To Be Successful

Read the below: get some insight and change your thought:

1. Someone else’s approval defines your success.

It seems counterintuitive to define your own success, when you’re bombarded by ads and stories all day long of what success means. Sometimes, the definition of success seems like it’s living up to your family’s expectations or your superior’s definition of achievement. You want to look good in society’s eyes, and seem like a success on the outside to gain validation.
But I say this sincerely: at the end of the day, your personal definition of success is the only one that matters. No one takes their dying breath and says, “At least I have a bigger boat than my neighbor’s!”
True happiness comes from your inner landscape -- things like loving yourself, providing for your family, having happy moments with friends and feeling proud of how you are making a living. You’re in charge of how you define your success; whatever fulfills you on a soul level is what you should aim at achieving.
Though it can be difficult to cast off the opinions of others who matter to you, no one else knows what your fulfillment looks like; therefore, no one else can tell you what your success should be.

2. You think you need a full-life plan laid out in order to start.

I can’t tell you how many budding entrepreneurs I’ve coached through feeling frozen in place. Just out of college, they view the vast landscape of possibilities ahead of them and think their whole life plan must be in place before they take a step. The same thing happens later in life to seasoned entrepreneurs, who want to start a new project; they don’t know how to begin a task so large, so they don’t begin at all.
It seems such a simple truth, but if you don’t begin, you’ll never get anywhere. People, who are afraid to start, think if they start down one road, they can’t correct course midstream, which just isn’t true. Even the best-laid plans have hiccups, so course corrections are almost always necessary. In fact, some of my most successful colleagues were in a completely different field before they decided to pivot and end up in something new.
Go into your plans carefully -- one step at a time -- but take those first steps and believe that when you get to a crossroads, you will know which path to take. Keep in mind your ultimate purpose, the overarching vision that you desire, and you will never be led astray. The journey is part of the fun so don’t be afraid if you don’t see all the twists and turns in the beginning.

3. You’re afraid to fail.

“Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Fail. Fail again. Fail better.” -- Samuel Beckett
I’ve done countless interviews with extremely successful CEOs and founders and found that many of them have stories of breakdowns and catastrophes. Whether large or small failures, those people who have made it to the top tiers of all endeavors have experienced outcomes that were less than what they wanted. Do you think any Olympic athlete made it so far without losing countless races?
Failure is not the end of the world. In actuality, failure is one of the primary ways that you will learn, grow and develop courage and fortitude. Failure teaches you how to be humble, empathetic and creative - all necessary traits for successful people. Being afraid to fail is understandable. However, once you understand that failure is not only inevitable, but it’s part of the process, it won’t be so scary.
Link: Click Here
Shared by: LY

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