Wednesday 7 September 2016

10 Smart Things to Do Before Bed Each Night

Today is Thursday and we always look back to Monday - Wednesday and see what we have achieved.
Write it down your achievement for this week and what your plan for next week.
Let plan sometimes smart for the thing to do before bedtime each night for next week or try it our for a couple of weeks.

Try this out! 
1. No caffeine after 7 p.m.
2. Review your calendar for the next day early in the evening; identify two must-do tasks or goals.
3. Shower before bed instead of the next morning.
4. Get the kids’ backpacks and lunchboxes ready.
5. Choose the next day’s wardrobe to expedite morning preparation.
6. Shut down all electronic devices an hour before bedtime.
7. Take 10 minutes to tidy up so you wake up to a neat space.
8. Spritz pillows and sheets with lavender spray, a scent associated with calm.
9. Read before sleep
10. Dim all lights an hour before lights out.

Full Article: Click Here
Shared by: LY 

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