Wednesday 31 August 2016

8 Signs You're on the Golden Path to Success

Today is Thursday also to the end of working week. Sometimes, we need to get ourselves relax and thinking of our achievement for the past 3 days (Mon-Wednesday).  The 8 Signs you are on the Golden Path to Success has given a great reminder that in the long entrepreneurial journey that you are on the right path; do not give up and lastly determination. If you have the 8 Sign with you then you are on the right track and take it easy.
1. You’re excited about your business.
Those who start businesses for the money or to please friends and family are likely to burn out -- or fall flat. The concept behind your business should be exciting from the beginning of your entrepreneurial journey to the end (even though it’s often said there isn’t an end at all).
You know you’re excited about your company when you talk about it obsessively with friends, when you can’t wait to get to work in the morning, or even when you feel a familiar warmth in your chest when you accomplish a minor business-related task. If you’ve lost touch with the “fun” side of starting a business, sit down and write out the reasons you started the company in the first place. What were your goals from the very beginning? Have you achieved any since then -- or are you close?
2. People are talking.
If your core idea is a good one (and it’s marketed well), people will talk about it. Check out the conversations circulating social media. If it doesn’t take hundreds of social media posts per week to get people commenting, sharing, tweeting and more, you’re doing pretty well.
Customers, clients and fans can discuss your brand silently as well by wearing T-shirts, boasting stickers and donning pins with your logo or catchphrase. People are eager to be the first to tell their friends about the “next big thing” -- conversation surrounding your business may mean it’s just that.
3. Your net income makes your overhead costs look reasonable.
When you’re first starting out, it can be painful to shell out money for web domains, logo design, product prototypes and other start-up costs. Your wallet gradually becomes thinner, and you wonder more than once if that money will ever come back. It often takes 12 to 36 months for businesses to be quite profitable, but if you’re drawing in disposable income before or at that stage, you’re on the right track.  Keep careful records of your company’s finances. Once your loans and overhead costs seem a little less daunting, you’re doing just fine.
If you’re searching for ways to speed up the payback process on your business, remember that good branding goes a long way. My brother and business partner, Matthew, and I have pulled profits within only a few weeks after opening by leveraging well-designed business cards, media kits and websites.
If you’re preparing to sell an innovative new product, take a look at pre-selling through sites like Kickstarter and Indiegogo. Test the waters and deliver the best product through A/B split testing and surveys. Last but not least, always strive to keep costs low. Sites likeFiverr and Upwork help you find freelance work for less.
4. You’re willing and able to adapt to change.
Successful entrepreneurs understand that the world of business is fluid -- and so are the fields in which their products are services are encapsulated. Any business, no matter how big or small, will have to change along with the times. Those who don’t are denying themselves an opportunity to impress their customers and achieve long-term greatness.
For instance, several occupational domains are facing a digital revolution, such as the publishing industry with self-publishing and ebooks, education with computer math and reading programs, art with graphic design and more. Large publishing houses that don’t put out ebooks alongside traditional books, as well as teachers who deny their students the right to use a computer or tablet for their work, are considered behind the times. It’s clear that you’re on the path to success when you’re capable of adapting to the changes around you.
5. You welcome criticism.
No entrepreneur is capable of growing and enhancing their business if they can’t accept criticism for what it is -- free advice. Feedback often comes in unpleasant forms, but many times it identifies areas of improvement. If you’re able to receive criticism and turn it into positive change, you’re that much ahead of business owners who can’t.  Develop a thick skin, and brush empty opinions off your back while absorbing the ones that offer valuable tips on how to polish your business.
6. You learn from your mistakes.
Successful people aren’t those who don’t make mistakes -- they’re the ones who learn from them. Much like welcoming criticism, successful entrepreneurs are capable of learning from their mistakes, and much like criticism, mistakes are lessons in disguise. Instead of wallowing in the false sense of failure that often surrounds a mistake, attempt to learn from it: What could you have done better? What obstacles could have been avoided?
Remember that because you don’t have time to make every mistake, you can also learn from the mistakes of those around you -- to learn by experience with no cost to your own business, network with your peers and discuss the things they wish they would have done differently. You’re already on the path to success if you consciously gain valuable lessons from your mistakes.
7. You’re capable of being grateful for what you have while still striving for more.
You’ll never be satisfied with your progress if you’re incapable of being grateful for what you already have. During the start-up process, ensure that you differentiate resources you already have from those you have to acquire. Perform brief check-ins with yourself or with your team every six months or so, paying close attention to the victories you’ve experienced that you worked so hard for.
Being thankful for what you have not only surrounds you and your company with positivity, but it will also keep things in perspective when you’re experiencing doubts about your abilities.
8. You don’t have regrets.
You likely jumped into the world of entrepreneurship knowing that it was one full of ups and downs. You’re more inclined to reap the rewards of success if you can acknowledge that even through the hardships starting a business has brought you, you don’t regret stepping foot into such a unique field of business. Those who are truly meant to be entrepreneurs love the hard work they put into their businesses no matter what results come from it -- the passion and energy that go into starting a company are enough of a reason to push forward regardless of circumstance.
It’s more than just “knowing” -- thousands of entrepreneurs sense shining success in their futures by encountering any of these eight tell-tale signs. When did you realize you’d be successful at what you do? What was the turning point of success for your business?
Full article: Click Here

Shared by: LY

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Are You An Entrepreneur Or a 'Wantrepreneur?'

I have been attracted by the title and it would be great sharing knowing either entrepreneur or “Wantrepreneur”? Many of us have a dream to become an entrepreneur when we are small or sometimes we lost it and found it back. Being entrepreneur is not easy or what we call risk however what is “Wantrepreneur” about?
Continue reading and you will find the answer:

The truth of the matter is, there are hundreds and thousands of aspiring entrepreneurs who think they have a winning idea but never manage to put it into action and go on to growing a successful business. I call these people "wantrepreneurs"

There are many key characteristics that separate entrepreneurs from wantrepreneurs, but over the years I’ve realized these are the three most common traits:
1.  Passionate about business
You hear so many entrepreneurs say you need to be passionate about the business you’re in but rarely do you hear them say be passionate about business as a whole.
A slight shift in language but a huge difference to how you play the game of business. Those who have achieved success rarely are passionate about one particular industry as much as they are passionate about business.

To grow an idea from conception to a successful, thriving business, you will need to convince investors, customers, partners and employees to believe in you and your vision. If you are not 100 percent convinced and passionate about your product or service, why should anyone else be?
Let me ask you a question: If you had all the money and time in the world would you still be dedicated and driven to grow your business? If the answer to this question is no, then call it quits right now. You will save yourself a lot of time, money and stress.

In my opinion all real entrepreneurs are driven by their passion and love for business, wantrepreneurs are driven by the idea of being an entrepreneur.
2. Take massive action
When it comes down to it, taking action is what really counts. Entrepreneurs take the leap of faith even when their website, prototype or product is not complete.
Don’t worry if you think you’re not ready, you’ll learn more by just doing than what you will ever read in a book. That textbook can’t prepare you for every scenario nor is it catered to your exact goals and vision of what you want.
Real entrepreneurs do what they say they’re going to do; wantrepreneurs talk about it but never really get started.
Don’t let yourself become paralyzed by information, take massive action.
3. Sacrifice  
Wantrepreneurs have this idealistic vision of what it is like to be an entrepreneur. They might see it as the quickest way to get rich or the ability to set their own hours and be their own boss and not have to answer to anyone.

But not answering to anyone means you will need to be extremely disciplined and harder on yourself than any boss you’ve ever had in the past. Setting your own hours only means you’ll be pouring in more in the beginning, because you’ll be overflowing with ideas, tasks and projects that need to get done.

On the other hand, successful entrepreneurs use profit as a measuring scale of their own success, know the long hours they need to work to make it happen and understand that the only time you see the word shortcut before success is in the dictionary.
It’s ridiculous the roller coaster of emotions you have to go through in order to start, grow and eventually exit your own business.

You’ll have moments of total despair and frustration where you wonder if you were crazy to even attempt this, but you’ll also have insane highs where you feel like you’re on top of the world.
Full Articles: Click Here

So which one are you? Thinking about it? If you confuse read again and again to find out who you are?

Shared by: LY Lee

Monday 29 August 2016

How to Trick Your Mind Into Doing Things You Hate to Do

This is an interesting sharing as many of us do have something that we hate in what we do daily, which either procrastinate or did not get it done at all, last week I came across a book with a title: Power to get things done by Steven Levinson and Chris Cooper. It has been interesting to get things done if you don’t feel like it. This book has shared a valuable insight on how to get it done if you don’t like it or you procrastinate all this while.
Besides, I found the below article and would like to share here:
Believe it or not, adversity and challenge at work don’t have to be the enemies of engagement and motivation; they can actually1 be the glue. Why? The answer lies in Leon Festinger’s famous work on a psychological phenomenon called cognitive dissonance.
Cognitive dissonance occurs when the brain recognizes it’s holding two conflicting beliefs. For example, let’s say you have always detested olives, and then one day your spouse sneaks them into a pasta sauce and you find them delightful. Or let’s say you’ve always considered yourself a conservative, but an election rolls around and you’re drawn to a liberal candidate. Your brain experiences dissonance that it will want to dispel.
Festinger says that if you spend a ton of effort on a task you value, your brain considers that a worthwhile use of resources. But what if you spend a high effort on something you don’t consider valuable? Your brain hates cognitive dissonance so it justifies the effort, usually by deciding the task actually was valuable. Thus cognitive dissonance can trick your brain into perceiving you value a particularly difficult or unenjoyable task, which in turn can spur motivation and engagement.
Full Article: Click Here

Shared by: LY

Sunday 28 August 2016

7 Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence

Being emotional intelligence is important. Many times people don’t realize it. When I looked to the left, right, front and back at my workplace, I believe they serious need emotion intelligence training. I have read several books on emotional intelligence and found very useful. Of course, I did try and it works. Feel very bless that I found it and have changed me in some way to good. Here I would like to share on 7 qualities of people with high emotional intelligence.On Monday morning, try something today and set as achievement for this week.

Like Goleman said, no amount of smarts will make up for a lack of the ever-important emotional and social abilities especially as part of the professional world. Not sure how to recognize this essential trait? Here are seven characteristics of emotionally intelligent people:
1. They’re change agents.
People with high EI aren’t afraid of change. They understand that it’s a necessary part of life—and they adapt.
2. They’re self-aware.
They know what they’re good at and what they still have to learn— weaknesses don’t hold them back. They know what environments are optimal for their work style.
3. They’re empathetic.
The hallmark of EI, being able to relate to others, makes them essential in the workplace. With an innate ability to understand what co-workers or clients are going through, they can get through difficult times drama free.
4. They’re not perfectionists.
While extremely motivated, people with EI know that perfection is impossible. They roll with the punches and learn from mistakes.
5. They’re balanced.
Their self-awareness means that they naturally know the importance of and how to maintain a healthy professional-personal balance in their lives. They eat well, get plenty of sleep and have interests outside work.
6. They’re curious.
An inborn sense of wonder and curiosity makes them delightful to be around. They don’t judge; they explore the possibilities. They ask questions and are open to new solutions.
7. They’re gracious.
People with high EI know every day brings something to be thankful for—and they don’t see the world as “glass half-empty” as a lot of people do. They feel good about their lives and don’t let critics or toxic people affect that. 
Emotionally intelligent people know how to make work, and the world, a better place. Are you one of them?

Full article: Click Here

Shared by: LY

Thursday 25 August 2016

5 Steps to Turn Your Passion Into Your Profession

“Don’t ask what the world needs; ask what makes you come alive and go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.” —Howard Thurman

Something to wake you up on Friday morning, start working on the weekends to think about what can help to turn your passion into a profession. The most important are to take action, remember in the previous sharing I have posted that we have 60 hours on the weekends instead of 48 hours. Value your time and make something for yourself.  Those who are looking into doing something themselves or to start a business, please read the below; it helps a lot. Go through the items and think deep about it. What action you need to do and write it down. Start to “Turn your passion into your profession”.

Here’s how.
1. Start.
Without getting too much into the psychology of the self-defeating fixed mindset, there is only one way to break this type of thinking: Shut up and act.
Do something. Read the top 10 books about the subject. Personally interview a minimum of five people who are already in that industry. Buy the domain name. Write the blog. Put your money (time and energy) where your mouth is. You do not have to quit your day job. In fact you should not quit until your side project generates enough income for you to do so.
The bottom line is that you must act if you want to change. You have to choose to do something different. You have to move. Action frees you from the broken cycle of daydreaming about what you want to do.
2. Count the cost.
Here are a few great questions that can help you get some clarity:
Does the world need this? In other words, What is the problem I am trying to solve? This is your why Simon Sinek so famously articulated matters most. Clearly defining the purpose behind what you’re creating is critical for you to go all in, and for others to buy in to what you are doing.
Am I any good at this? Chances are you would not be considering this new venture if you were getting to use your gifts, strengths and talents in your current job or life situation. We are all wired to create. Every single human being on the planet has genius in them. The question you have to ask yourself is, Am I naturally gifted in this area?
Can I afford it? This is not primarily a money question (although cash is extremely important). You also have to take into consideration the investment of your time, energy, space and other resources you will need along the way. Take a hard look at your current commitments and be realistic about how much time you actually have to invest in your passion project.
Does my family support it? Regardless of how you define family, you need a handful of people who are there for you and believe in you. Mentors and friends who are honest with you and who can call out the best in you as you pursue turning your dream into reality. These are the voices who will help you get up when you fall, encourage you when you lose heart and be there to celebrate your success.
Am I likely to quit? Failure is guaranteed in the early stages of any new venture. No matter how well-funded, prepared and educated you might be, at the end of the day you have to have a burning desire to persevere. You have to have resilience and grit and a take-no-prisoners level of passion to see this thing through.
3. Find your tribe.
This is also known as identifying your target market. Who specifically will benefit from your passion project? What do they look like? Where do they live? What are the biggest challenges they are facing? How can your little idea help make their lives better?
These are your potential customers and you need to have a clear picture of their greatest needs, hurts and interests. Chances are they are passionate about the same things you are. A great thing to do at this point in pursuing your passion is to interview your tribe (use social media polls, etc.) to get a clear understanding of who your tribe is and what they want.
4. Create a checklist with specific deadlines.
You have to measure your progress and clarify your goals. You need to create a routine and dedicate time to invest in making your idea a reality. You will need accountability, clarity and encouragement along the way. Asking for help in this is not a sign of weakness; it is a sign of strength and wisdom.
5. Be prepared to embrace failure along the way.
Fail early and fail often. Failure is the stepping stone to learning, growth, refinement of your thinking and eventually (with a bit of luck) success. Dedicate yourself to excellence in effort and in how you lead yourself. Do not be afraid to be yourself, ask for help or head in a different direction based on what doesn’t work. Failure is feedback. Take it on board, pick yourself up and try again based on what you have learned.
Self-belief is the No. 1 determining factor for tapping into your full potential in this life. Confidence literally means to trust within. At the end of the day, if you are going to do something unique and remarkable in this life you have to be yourself. And in order to be yourself, you have to trust yourself. There is only one you—your voice is needed. Your passion can and should be your profession. It is why you are here.
Full Article: Click Here
Shared by: LY

Wednesday 24 August 2016

5 Ways to Boost Creativity in Your Business

Read the below to get some insight on how to be creative in your business. This is good sharing for young entrepreneurs as well. Getting to know more information is always an added advantages. Seek for more to change for better;

1. Be diverse.
There is a reason they say that two heads are better than one. The legend of the lone creative genius is, for the most part, a myth. Diverse teams can be far more creative than individuals because several brains naturally can generate more ideas than a single brain. However, too much or the wrong kind of diversity can actually hurt. To be most creative, teams should have people of differing skills, talents and backgrounds, but with similar values and motivations. Everyone should be united behind a common goal.
2. Take a break.
Ceaselessly grinding away at a problem is less likely to produce a creative breakthrough than consistent effort combined with occasional breaks to rest, relax, and recharge. Incorporating exercise into breaks helps even more. Research shows people come up with more and better ideas while walking than while standing still. And don't discount meditation. The regular practice of mindfulness has been consistently connected with greater creativity.
3. Reduce time pressures.
Although necessity may be the mother of invention, that does not mean people will only be creative or be more creative when their backs are up against the wall. In fact, deadlines have been shown to make people less creative. So, while you may at times be forced to be creative when an 11th-hour problem strikes, you'll probably be at your creative best in a more relaxed environment when you are not under the gun to deliver results quickly.
4. Change the scene.
Occasionally an entrepreneur will ask me about the value of daylong or weekend idea-generating sessions. My feeling is that these can indeed spur creativity, especially if they are held off-site. Simply changing the physical environment has been shown to significantly help creativity. Moving outside the business's familiar walls also helps brainstormers get outside their familiar thought patterns.
5. Embrace failure.
One of the best-established connections between creativity and corporate culture has to do with the way failure is treated. Simply put, creative people have to feel safe to come up with new approaches and to try them out. That means not punishing failure and, in fact, rewarding it.
 Full article: Click Here

Shared by: LY

Tuesday 23 August 2016

The Authorpreneur: 3 Paths to a Lifetime of Success

I would like to share an article of how to be successful authorpreneur. Many of people would like to write their own book however mostly stop selling after bought by their family and friends. The article below share on how to make more than that:

1. Traditional publisher.
Many people desire a traditional publisher because of their international distribution in physical bookstores. It can be even more important if your intent is to target an American or German audience. Ninety-two percent of American university students and 95 percent of German students prefer print books over ebooks, as discovered in a recent international study.
This study is quite encouraging if your plan is to get your book in all the big box stores, airports, and major bookstores. Although, it is worth noting that traditional publishers will not do a lot of marketing for your book. However, their network of connections can open up an abundant amount of opportunities for you. With those connections, you can partner with some cool organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Amtrak and JetBlue.
It is these partnerships that can help you sell more books and attract potential clients.
2. Independent publisher.
More people are learning that they can make more money with their books elsewhere. Some aspiring and struggling authors do not care about the fame, but rather on making a sustainable living as an author.
Independent publishers offer an advantage -- better terms. They do not offer the typical terms that you will get from a traditional publisher (10 percent royalty for print books and 25 percent royalty for ebooks and audiobooks). Independent publishers also offer the convenience of allowing you to keep the rights to your book. Often, with a traditional publisher, you commit to an agreement for a duration of five to seven years.
The only potential disadvantage that may dissuade authors is the book advance. Some independent publishers offer a small book advance, usually between $2,000 to $5,000. However, some others will not offer any book advance, especially if they are a small press or new publisher. As an indie author, you will make more money from your books, but you will not have the privilege of leveraging a major publisher’s connections. While your indie publisher may have a network of connections, it is likely that it will not be enough for you to be dependent on them. Moreover, you will have more success working with indie bookstores than the commercial counterparts like Barnes & Noble.
You should also consider partnering with local businesses and nonprofit organizations. It can be harder to form alliances with the national ones if they do not know your brand. However, local businesses and nonprofits are significantly easier because they are more likely to work with local residents. After all, you and they share a common objective, which is making a difference in your community. These types of partnerships can open up opportunities to sell more books and attract potential clients.
3. Self-publisher.
Self-publishing is without a doubt the easiest way to publish a book. Before there was the book platforms (like Amazon, Kobo, Nook and iBooks and aggregators (like Smashwords, Draft2Digital and Pronoun), the majority of people were limited to publishing with Author House, Xlibris or iUniverse.
Link to full articles: Click Here
Shared by: LY

Monday 22 August 2016

6 Habits for Hyper Success in Business and in Life

Have you ever wonder what is the habits of successful people and what do they usually do? And the most important is how to become one of them? Every one of us also wants to become successful or to change our life definitely for good.

I came across the below articles sharing on the 6 Habits of Hyper Success in Business and Life.

1. Total immersion (eating, sleeping and breathing the cause)
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are fully immersed in their projects--they eat, sleep, and breath the cause.
2. Faith over fear
Hyper-successful people embrace uncertainty and the unknown. Instead of worrying about failure, they focus on the possibility for great success.

3. Underdogs and enemies
When someone has something to prove, they tend to work even harder to achieve the success they desire. They make the most of their often limited resources, and they push the rules--bending, but not breaking them--to succeed. Hyper-successful people and teams fight for respect and for what's right.
4. Singularity
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are fully focused on the task or goal they are striving to achieve. Instead of doing a lot of things just okay, they do one thing very well--pushing other priorities out of the way. They do one thing and they do it flawlessly.

5. The mastery mindset
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are in love with their craft--with what they do--and as a result, the passion they have for their work carries them very far. They set the bar high--for themselves and for others--and then they proceed to leap right over it.
6. Shielded deviance (departing from business as usual)
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are shielded from bureaucracy, red tape, and office politics by leaders who clear the path forward for them. In many cases, this means departing from business as usual to go far beyond the norm.
Link to the full article: Click Here
Shared by LY

Sunday 21 August 2016

Happy Monday!

Sometimes it is hard to start your engine on Monday and cannot get away with Monday blues.
Found the above "Inspiration Monday" and hope to get inspiration and to make the whole week meaningful. Spend your time wisely and get what you want. Compare with the week before and you can see what your achievement for last week, last month and etc.

Shared by: LY

Thursday 18 August 2016

Happy Friday!

It's Friday again! Hurray! Spend your weekends beautifully and most important you have 60 hours. Use it fruitfully. 

Shared by: LY 

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Daily Habit of Most Productive People

Are you productive? or what is the most productive? and How to become more productive? If you have this in your mind, continue reading the below
Many people complaint don't have enough time and etc. Yes, in fact, time management important to become productive.

I came across the important of the daily habit of the most productive people and how to manage your time efficiently and effectively. Try this out! Enjoy everyday you have to make it most productive.


Ever wonder how your co-worker gets so much done in so little time? They know how to put their time to best use. In this episode Josh and Shelby talk with productivity expert Laura Vanderkamabout the weekend habits of highly productive people. Learn how being mindful about your 48-hour weekend can make it feel longer and more productive. Vanderkam shares ways to take advantage of your weekends and why tracking your time can be a difference maker. Plus Josh and Shelby discuss the three myths that are killing your productivity, and what you can do to overcome your limited time.
Has the five-day workweek become an anachronism? For some perhaps, but productivity and time tracking don’t have to be used for work. “There are more than 48 hours in the weekend,” Vanderkam says. “There are 60 hours between 6 p.m. quitting time on Friday and 6 a.m. starting time on Monday. Your off times deserve the same amount of mindfulness as your work time.”


  • Learn how to turn your 48-hour weekend into 60 hours.
  • Make your weekends more productive with this trick: Name 3 things you want to do this weekend that’d add to your energy level, and accomplish them.
  • Willpower is a limited resource. Here’s why you should only use it on the most important stuff.
  • Here’s why habits help you preserve your willpower.
  • Learn how to track your time in 30-minute increments.
  • Find out what Laura learned by tracking her time for a full year.
  • Download the free time-tracking tool that Laura used to track her time for a full year at
  • We discuss the time-tracking apps Toggle and Smarter Time.
  • We debunk “Don’t check email in the morning” and other productivity myths.
Refer to below for further information:
Quoted from Link: Click Here

Shared by: LY

Tuesday 16 August 2016

15 Traits of Unabashedly Successful Women

Dear women,

Are you one of them?

1. They play to their strengths.
This is not necessarily the same as doing what you love. You might love doing mosaics but you might not choose that for your career. Think about what you can do so well that you can dominate your field with time. You should also love it. But successful women often choose their career paths by thinking first about what they’re good at and second about what they love to do.
Successful women do not dream about being the best in their section or department. Their eyes are set on the best in the state or country, at least. Most want to change the world.
Successful women know how to deal with disappointment in a way that keeps them from getting down and staying down. They know the future will be bright for them.
4. They’re organized.
The vast majority of people I interviewed said yes quickly, checked their calendars, booked a date and did the interview. No extra emails. Not many reschedules. They decide what they want to do and then they just do it—simple and organized.
These women do not stay static. They are continually improving themselves, and use mentors and coaches to accelerate their improvement.
6. They have a strong support system.
Most of the women I spoke to have a partner or family member who is supportive of what they do. They know they have somebody to lean on when needed.
7. They know failure and success go together.
Everyone has their failures on their way to the top. That’s just how it is.
These women give credit to those who’ve helped them along the way. They are grateful for what they have. They don’t take their current position for granted.
9. They work hard and persistently.
Nobody got to where they are now without working hard and staying persistent during the tough times. This might be obvious, but it’s a lot easier to say than to do.
10. They don’t sweat the small stuff.
Successful people are good at separating the valuable from the worthless.
11. They choose their battles wisely.
Successful women don’t make a big deal about every little thing. But if there’s a real problem, you can be sure that it will be swiftly solved.
12. They do what they believe in.
This is crucial. The belief in the purpose of their work is the fuel behind years of hard work and dedication.
Successful women believe in themselves. It’s a beautiful thing.
14. They have a vision for the future.
Successful women see a new and better world in the future and work toward achieving those changes. They are in it for the long haul.
15. They feel successful, but never done.
There’s always more, always better, always further to reach. These women are seemingly tireless, ultimately devoted and constantly curious.
The moral of this story for me, when listening and learning from these women over this past year, is that they are just like you and me. They were not born with silver spoons in their mouths. True, they’re intelligent and focused. But they don’t have superpowers; they have determination, vision and purpose. 
We can be that! We can do that!
I would like to share the above article and hope to get to more women out there so I decided to post at my blog here. It is awesome! 
Shared by: LY

Monday 15 August 2016

The Seven Lies of Success

I would like to share the seven lies of success by Anthony Robbins; your outcome support by your belief. To achieve your path of success is knowing your outcome, take action and being flexibility to change and achieve your success.  The seven lies of success:

Belief #1: Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us.
Belief #2: There is no such thing as failure.
Belief #3: Whatever happens, take responsibility
Belief #4: It's necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything
Belief #5: People are your greatest resource.
Belief #6: Work is play
Belief #7: There's no abiding success without commitment.

This is indeed a good reminder for us who wanted to start a project or has started a project. This is a good guideline  to motivate and keep persistence even you encounter a bumpy road.

I would like to share a project that I have initiated for my company.  To achieve the outcome need  the persistence to ensure it works as what I would like it to be. It is easy to see others achievement, however, it needs 101 hard work that no one knows but only yourself. I still remember that I have put so much hard work and effort day and night thinking about it and work on it. As a result, it works as what I think and what I dreamt of it to be. I always believe is no such thing as failure and I believe we should take accountability and you can see improvement from there. Always leverage of others resources as people are the greatest resources.  And now I believe I can do more than that and I believe everything happens for reasons and a purpose. If you did not take a step you will not see it and feel it. It makes a lot of different. Take action is the biggest challenges that you can overcome by having end goals in mind.

Shared by LY
Book Title: Unlimited Power - Anthony Robbins

Sunday 14 August 2016

Money Making Machines

Book Title: You can create wealth (Discover how ordinary people can create extraordinary wealth)
 Author: Tan Teck Beng and KC See

What is Wealth?

If you stop working today, how many days can you survive with no chance in your current lifestyle?  Please pause and think about it?  The larger number the richer you are and the small number mean the poorer your are. So you have the number with you and probably you know where you are now.

What is  Wealth? According to Robert Kiyosaki, Wealth is the number of days if you can survive if you stop working tomorrow with no change to your current lifestyle. 

How to create wealth? Spend less than what you earn and invest the difference.  Many of us make money every day but is that consider an increase in your wealth? The answer is "no". Don’t confuse making money and creating wealth. We are making money every day but simply did not create any wealth if our money just stays stagnant in the bank. While creating wealth mean creating money making machines. These so-called machines help you to growth you wealth even you stop working today. So how to create one for yourself? Firstly you need to build one then you able to generate revenue from there.

What is the example of money making machines?  The example such as produce a book where initially you put effort, time and resources to publish the books. For each copy sold you will receive profit from the sales, therefore, the money will automatically flow in from the future sales. Others such as car park rental, house rental, shares that pay dividends and many mores.

What is your choice? Unfortunately, many people do not create wealth instead turn themselves into money making machines. So they work day and night for money. Pause and ask yourself? What would be your choice? The money making machine for others or create wealth? The choice is yours.

A job is only a short-term solution to a long-term problem. The solution is to create a money-making machine. With the current economy condition, it is impossible  living on your savings from your job after your retire, therefore, we ended up with more than one job in order to survive.  Think about it? How many hour have you in a day to exchange for money? Just have to remember, time is a scarce resource.

Shared by: LY

Thursday 11 August 2016

Happy Friday !!

Happy Friday!! SMILE

Most importantly enjoy your weekend and spend time with your family and friends!

Shared by: LY

Wednesday 10 August 2016

What is Happiness?

Book Title: You can create wealth (Discover how ordinary people can create extraordinary wealth)
Author: Tan Teck Beng and KC See

What is Happiness?

Today, I will share on the topic of  " What is Happiness? ".  Many people usually discuss what is happiness all about? being happy is without bothering about  money? being happy is successful pursuing your dream job? being happy with more money into your pocket  or being happy with your love one? Which one considers "Happiness" in life? Is life that complicated? Pause and ask yourself? What is happiness to you?

From this book, I gain three insights of what is happiness all about?

  1. Good Health  - First of all, in order to be happy we need a healthy body. So that we can focus on what we love to do.
  2. Strong relationships - Secondly, we need to love and share with others humans. We enjoy being loved and appreciated. We need to build a sense of connection with our families and friends to achieve a most meaningful and happy life.
  3. Secure financial standing -  Have a lot of money may not bring you happy life but without money definitely does not bring you any happiness. Money itself will not bring you happiness but the important factors money has the power to give you to make choices- ability to choose what to do when to do and how to do it, therefore, you can choose what you love to do or ability to pursue your dreams. Hence, you will be able so to spend quality time with your loved ones.

With the above three ingredients, you will be able to do what you love to do. Moreover,  each of the elements needs to be in place and need the right sequence for it to work.

Quoted  directly from the book:

Health enables you to do the things that you want to do, strong relationship gives you peace of mind to do what you want to do and lastly, money helps to make it possible.

Above are some tips to pursue happiness in life. Sometimes we take thing for granted and did not spend time with our loved one by spending most of our time pursuing money, however, pause and look back how much you have missed and start to treasure everyone besides you & "take action" and start to do something you passionate about.

Shared by: LY