Sunday 14 August 2016

Money Making Machines

Book Title: You can create wealth (Discover how ordinary people can create extraordinary wealth)
 Author: Tan Teck Beng and KC See

What is Wealth?

If you stop working today, how many days can you survive with no chance in your current lifestyle?  Please pause and think about it?  The larger number the richer you are and the small number mean the poorer your are. So you have the number with you and probably you know where you are now.

What is  Wealth? According to Robert Kiyosaki, Wealth is the number of days if you can survive if you stop working tomorrow with no change to your current lifestyle. 

How to create wealth? Spend less than what you earn and invest the difference.  Many of us make money every day but is that consider an increase in your wealth? The answer is "no". Don’t confuse making money and creating wealth. We are making money every day but simply did not create any wealth if our money just stays stagnant in the bank. While creating wealth mean creating money making machines. These so-called machines help you to growth you wealth even you stop working today. So how to create one for yourself? Firstly you need to build one then you able to generate revenue from there.

What is the example of money making machines?  The example such as produce a book where initially you put effort, time and resources to publish the books. For each copy sold you will receive profit from the sales, therefore, the money will automatically flow in from the future sales. Others such as car park rental, house rental, shares that pay dividends and many mores.

What is your choice? Unfortunately, many people do not create wealth instead turn themselves into money making machines. So they work day and night for money. Pause and ask yourself? What would be your choice? The money making machine for others or create wealth? The choice is yours.

A job is only a short-term solution to a long-term problem. The solution is to create a money-making machine. With the current economy condition, it is impossible  living on your savings from your job after your retire, therefore, we ended up with more than one job in order to survive.  Think about it? How many hour have you in a day to exchange for money? Just have to remember, time is a scarce resource.

Shared by: LY

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