Tuesday 2 August 2016

Believes in Yourself, Be Positive, Be Confident and Be Yourself.

Book Title: Chicken Soup for the Soul – Unlocking the Secrets to Living Your Dreams is an awesome book.

I have read thru the book several times trying to follow each step. First, write down your dream lists. Make a list of 101 dreams for your lifetime GOAL. A Wow to accomplish my lifetime dream this is amazing. I write down all my dreams one by one and on the ways to 101 dreams and most important accomplish them with the taste of satisfaction.  Start to list down all your goals now!

Many interesting short stories share in this book- I love the part under “Believes in Yourself”. One of the short story with the title “ The Professor and Me” .This is just so true of how a close minded professor treats their student as their competitor and worst of all hit down their confident level by criticizing them. Not only in University, this happens in working organization as well.  One word- Believes in Yourself, Be Positive, Be Confident and Be Yourself.

Shared by: Lynn

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