Monday 22 August 2016

6 Habits for Hyper Success in Business and in Life

Have you ever wonder what is the habits of successful people and what do they usually do? And the most important is how to become one of them? Every one of us also wants to become successful or to change our life definitely for good.

I came across the below articles sharing on the 6 Habits of Hyper Success in Business and Life.

1. Total immersion (eating, sleeping and breathing the cause)
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are fully immersed in their projects--they eat, sleep, and breath the cause.
2. Faith over fear
Hyper-successful people embrace uncertainty and the unknown. Instead of worrying about failure, they focus on the possibility for great success.

3. Underdogs and enemies
When someone has something to prove, they tend to work even harder to achieve the success they desire. They make the most of their often limited resources, and they push the rules--bending, but not breaking them--to succeed. Hyper-successful people and teams fight for respect and for what's right.
4. Singularity
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are fully focused on the task or goal they are striving to achieve. Instead of doing a lot of things just okay, they do one thing very well--pushing other priorities out of the way. They do one thing and they do it flawlessly.

5. The mastery mindset
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are in love with their craft--with what they do--and as a result, the passion they have for their work carries them very far. They set the bar high--for themselves and for others--and then they proceed to leap right over it.
6. Shielded deviance (departing from business as usual)
Hyper-successful individuals and teams are shielded from bureaucracy, red tape, and office politics by leaders who clear the path forward for them. In many cases, this means departing from business as usual to go far beyond the norm.
Link to the full article: Click Here
Shared by LY

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