Wednesday 17 August 2016

Daily Habit of Most Productive People

Are you productive? or what is the most productive? and How to become more productive? If you have this in your mind, continue reading the below
Many people complaint don't have enough time and etc. Yes, in fact, time management important to become productive.

I came across the important of the daily habit of the most productive people and how to manage your time efficiently and effectively. Try this out! Enjoy everyday you have to make it most productive.


Ever wonder how your co-worker gets so much done in so little time? They know how to put their time to best use. In this episode Josh and Shelby talk with productivity expert Laura Vanderkamabout the weekend habits of highly productive people. Learn how being mindful about your 48-hour weekend can make it feel longer and more productive. Vanderkam shares ways to take advantage of your weekends and why tracking your time can be a difference maker. Plus Josh and Shelby discuss the three myths that are killing your productivity, and what you can do to overcome your limited time.
Has the five-day workweek become an anachronism? For some perhaps, but productivity and time tracking don’t have to be used for work. “There are more than 48 hours in the weekend,” Vanderkam says. “There are 60 hours between 6 p.m. quitting time on Friday and 6 a.m. starting time on Monday. Your off times deserve the same amount of mindfulness as your work time.”


  • Learn how to turn your 48-hour weekend into 60 hours.
  • Make your weekends more productive with this trick: Name 3 things you want to do this weekend that’d add to your energy level, and accomplish them.
  • Willpower is a limited resource. Here’s why you should only use it on the most important stuff.
  • Here’s why habits help you preserve your willpower.
  • Learn how to track your time in 30-minute increments.
  • Find out what Laura learned by tracking her time for a full year.
  • Download the free time-tracking tool that Laura used to track her time for a full year at
  • We discuss the time-tracking apps Toggle and Smarter Time.
  • We debunk “Don’t check email in the morning” and other productivity myths.
Refer to below for further information:
Quoted from Link: Click Here

Shared by: LY

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