Monday 15 August 2016

The Seven Lies of Success

I would like to share the seven lies of success by Anthony Robbins; your outcome support by your belief. To achieve your path of success is knowing your outcome, take action and being flexibility to change and achieve your success.  The seven lies of success:

Belief #1: Everything happens for a reason and a purpose, and it serves us.
Belief #2: There is no such thing as failure.
Belief #3: Whatever happens, take responsibility
Belief #4: It's necessary to understand everything to be able to use everything
Belief #5: People are your greatest resource.
Belief #6: Work is play
Belief #7: There's no abiding success without commitment.

This is indeed a good reminder for us who wanted to start a project or has started a project. This is a good guideline  to motivate and keep persistence even you encounter a bumpy road.

I would like to share a project that I have initiated for my company.  To achieve the outcome need  the persistence to ensure it works as what I would like it to be. It is easy to see others achievement, however, it needs 101 hard work that no one knows but only yourself. I still remember that I have put so much hard work and effort day and night thinking about it and work on it. As a result, it works as what I think and what I dreamt of it to be. I always believe is no such thing as failure and I believe we should take accountability and you can see improvement from there. Always leverage of others resources as people are the greatest resources.  And now I believe I can do more than that and I believe everything happens for reasons and a purpose. If you did not take a step you will not see it and feel it. It makes a lot of different. Take action is the biggest challenges that you can overcome by having end goals in mind.

Shared by LY
Book Title: Unlimited Power - Anthony Robbins

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