Wednesday 3 August 2016

Seven Traits of Finding Success

There are seven traits shared by Tony Robbins . I found it very useful to find your own path to success by following these traits.  

#1, Passion; I believe doing something passionate will last you for a lifetime and no matter what hurdle come you will be able to overcome the obstacle. 
#2: Believe; if you believe in what you do and it makes you take actions if you did not take action then it is just a dream.
#3: Strategy; knowing where you heading then you have to create a strategy to achieve your mission. 
#4: Clarify of Values: great and successful people always have a clear and fundamental of sense and know what they are doing. 
#5:Energy; many people know what their passion and what they do but just do not have enough energy to take action. 
#6: Bonding Power; commonly successful people have an extraordinary power to bond with others. 
#7 : Mastery of Communication; the way on how we communicate determine our quality of lives. They commonly have  the ability to communicate the vision, quest or a mission.

By following the sequence will lead you to start your new journey!

Shared by: LY 
Book Title: Unlimited Power

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