Tuesday 9 August 2016

Racing in the Rat Race

e-book topic:  Break the Rat Race Taboo by Robert Kiyosaki

I have been wondering all this while, how to break the rat race taboo? It is so difficult to do in practice or reality but in fact this is the truth. I cannot deny that I love this e-book so much.  Sometime in the busy working day you somehow realize that you are trapped in the rat race. It is not any surprisingly that many are still trap and still not finding any way out nor take any action but keep complaining. They just let faith to bring them to the next destination.  Perhaps ask yourself, are you one of them?

So what is Rat Race?

Get up, go to work and pay bills and get up, go to work and pay bills  (This is an endless loop) - see this pattern? Besides, we are controlled by 2 emotions called fear and greed; when we were offered more money we increase spending and continue the cycle .  Is this sound  like what you are doing all this while ? Then you trap in a rat race.

We are indirectly haunted by two emotion: first, the fear of being without money motivates us to  work hard, and after  getting the paycheck then greed or desired lead us to start thinking of wonderful things that money can buy. So when the pattern is set you are then trapped in Rat Race. Many people manage to get in but most people never make it out.

Common Excuses: so real and yet so true.

Quoted directly from the break the rat race taboo:

  • “I can’t start a business. Are you crazy? I have a wife and three kids to feed.”

  • “I can’t wait five years before I get another paycheck.”

  • “I don’t have any money to invest.”

  • “I need more information before I do anything.”

  • “I tried that before. It will never work.”

  •  “I don’t need to know how to read financial statements. I can get by.”

  • “I don’t have to worry, I’m still young.”

  •  “I’m not smart enough.”

  •  “I would do that if I could find the right people to do it with me.”

  • “My husband would never go along with that.”

  • “My wife would never understand.”

  • “It’s just too late for me.”

  • “It’s not worth it. I’ll never be rich anyway.”

 When people come up with those kinds of objections, two reasons behind the objections:

  1. Was trained to think like the employees and never been taught how to become a businessman.

  1. People are not able to escape from the Rat Race as their emotion overcome them and for them to escape from rate race is rather difficult.

As you repeat the cycle of go to work, pay bills then you are still in Rat Race. In order to be free from Rat Race Taboo, you need to change your beliefs about money.  Becoming rich require you to let go the security that poor and middle class holds on to. As a result,  If you can take action then only you successful escape from the Rat Race.

Your destination is decided by you and only you.."to continue racing or to break the rat race taboo".  Your action today decide your future.

Shared by: LY

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