Sunday 28 August 2016

7 Qualities of People with High Emotional Intelligence

Being emotional intelligence is important. Many times people don’t realize it. When I looked to the left, right, front and back at my workplace, I believe they serious need emotion intelligence training. I have read several books on emotional intelligence and found very useful. Of course, I did try and it works. Feel very bless that I found it and have changed me in some way to good. Here I would like to share on 7 qualities of people with high emotional intelligence.On Monday morning, try something today and set as achievement for this week.

Like Goleman said, no amount of smarts will make up for a lack of the ever-important emotional and social abilities especially as part of the professional world. Not sure how to recognize this essential trait? Here are seven characteristics of emotionally intelligent people:
1. They’re change agents.
People with high EI aren’t afraid of change. They understand that it’s a necessary part of life—and they adapt.
2. They’re self-aware.
They know what they’re good at and what they still have to learn— weaknesses don’t hold them back. They know what environments are optimal for their work style.
3. They’re empathetic.
The hallmark of EI, being able to relate to others, makes them essential in the workplace. With an innate ability to understand what co-workers or clients are going through, they can get through difficult times drama free.
4. They’re not perfectionists.
While extremely motivated, people with EI know that perfection is impossible. They roll with the punches and learn from mistakes.
5. They’re balanced.
Their self-awareness means that they naturally know the importance of and how to maintain a healthy professional-personal balance in their lives. They eat well, get plenty of sleep and have interests outside work.
6. They’re curious.
An inborn sense of wonder and curiosity makes them delightful to be around. They don’t judge; they explore the possibilities. They ask questions and are open to new solutions.
7. They’re gracious.
People with high EI know every day brings something to be thankful for—and they don’t see the world as “glass half-empty” as a lot of people do. They feel good about their lives and don’t let critics or toxic people affect that. 
Emotionally intelligent people know how to make work, and the world, a better place. Are you one of them?

Full article: Click Here

Shared by: LY

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